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João Pernambuco

João Pernambuco was one of the guitar Brazilian schools's creators. He was born in Jatobá, a city in Pernambuco State. His father was a Portuguese, while his mother was an Indian Caeté. At the age of 20, he moved to Rio de Janeiro carrying only his guitar and some clothes. Supported by Catulo da Paixão Cearence, Quincas Laranjeiras and Ernani Figueiredo, he went to the Instituto Nacional de Música. Villa-Lobos was one of his admirers. João Pernambuco composed many classic songs like Luar do Sertão, Magoado and Pó de Mico, among others.

Born: Brasil, Jatobá, PE, 02/11/1883 Died: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 16/10/1947 VIAF: 61743140 Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural: joao-pernambuco


    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): João Pernambuco | 1883-1947

    • Work: Abraço de um Amigo

    • Instrumentation:

    • Year:

    Title: Abraço de um Amigo
    Genres: Popular (Valsa)

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