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Sergio Kafejian

He graduated from Santa Marcelina College in 1998, Master degree in Brunel University in 2008 and holds a PhD from UNESP in 2014. Professor of Composition at Santa Marcelina College, he was the pedagogical coordinator of EMESP (2010 to 2015). His works have been presented in Europe, Japan and USA. He has 2 international awards and 4 national awards in the Composition area.

Born: Brasil, São Paulo, SP, 1967 VIAF: 114144647639482502002


    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Sergio Kafejian | 1967

    • Work: Sobre Paranambucae

    • Instrumentation:

    • Year: 2012

    Title: Sobre Paranambucae
    Date: 2012
    Genres: Clássico

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