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Alberto Nepomuceno

Considered one of the most prominent Brazilian nationalist composers, he defended the use of Portuguese language in classical music. He believed that “a people who do not sing in their own language do not have a homeland”.

Born: Brasil, Fortaleza, CE, 06/07/1864 Died: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 16/10/1920 Wikidata: Q1391980 VIAF: 10048339 Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural: alberto-nepomuceno


    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Galhofeira

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Galhofeira
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Melodia em Lá Maior

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • Code: AN1.27

    Código da obra: AN1.27
    Title: Melodia em Lá Maior
    Dedication: Ângelo Bevilacqua
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico
    Primeira edição: Carlos Wehrs & Cia.

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Numa concha

    • Instrumentation: Voice, Piano

    • Year:

    • Code: AN8.62

    Código da obra: AN8.62
    Title: Numa concha
    Lyrics: Olavo Bilac
    Language: Português
    Instrumentation: Voice, Piano
    Genres: Clássico
    Local estreia: Associação dos Empregados no Comércio, Rio de Janeiro
    Ver: 16.8
    Primeira edição: Vieira Machado & Cia.; Sampaio Araújo & Cia.

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Polka for the ball of the doll - For the left hand

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Polka for the ball of the doll
    Subtitle: For the left hand
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Scherzo

    • Instrumentation: Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code: AN6.8

    Código da obra: AN6.8
    Title: Scherzo
    Instrumentation: Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico (Scherzo)

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Soneto - Canções II nº 7

    • Instrumentation: Voice, Piano

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Soneto
    Subtitle: Canções II nº 7
    Lyrics: Coelho Neto
    Language: Português
    Instrumentation: Voice, Piano
    Genres: Clássico (Canção)

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Valse-impromptu

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year: 1883

    • Code: AN1.13

    Código da obra: AN1.13
    Title: Valse-impromptu
    Place: Bergen
    Date: 1883
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico (Valsa)
    Local estreia: Bergen, Noruega
    Primeira edição: Biblioteca Nacional

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: 1ª Mazurca opus 1, nº 2

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year: 1887

    • Code: AN1.3

    Código da obra: AN1.3
    Title: 1ª Mazurca opus 1, nº 2
    Place: Rio de Janeiro
    Date: 1887
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico
    Data estreia (dd/mm/aaaa): 29/10/1887
    Local estreia: Club do Engenho Velho, Rio de Janeiro
    Observação: No manuscrito original consta "opus 1 nº 2"
    Primeira edição: Editorial Mangione S.A; publicada inicialmente por I. Bevilacqua & Cia , com o titulo Première Mazurca

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Ave Maria em mi menor

    • Instrumentation: Voice, Organ

    • Year: 1887

    • Code: AN9.1

    Código da obra: AN9.1
    Title: Ave Maria em mi menor
    Date: 1887
    Instrumentation: Voice, Organ
    Genres: Clássico
    Local estreia: Rio de Janeiro
    Primeira edição: Casa Arthur Napoleão

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Ave Maria

    • Instrumentation: Voice, Piano

    • Year: 1887

    • Code:

    Title: Ave Maria
    Lyrics: Xavier da Silveira Júnior
    Language: Português
    Date: 1887
    Instrumentation: Voice, Piano
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Ninna Nanna opus 8, n º1

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year: 1887

    • Code: AN1.4

    Código da obra: AN1.4
    Title: Ninna Nanna opus 8, n º1
    Place: Rio de Janeiro
    Date: 1887
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico
    Primeira edição: Genezio Venturini , Carisch & Janichen

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Alberto Nepomuceno | 1864-1920

    • Work: Prece

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year: 1887

    • Code: AN1.5

    Código da obra: AN1.5
    Title: Prece
    Place: Rio de Janeiro
    Date: 1887
    Instrumentation: Piano
    Genres: Clássico
    Observação: Primeira composição de Nepomuceno. Ignora-se qual a versão original: se a para piano solo, se a para violoncelo e piano (5.2; ver também: 6.2, 16.12)
    Primeira edição: Manuscrito

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