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Jerônimo de Souza Lobo

He was a composer, organist and violinist, probably the father of Jerônimo de Souza Lobo Queiroz, author of a Mass of 1825. Although his works were not completely identified, he was a prolix composer. Among his works: Domingo de Ramos, Matinas de Santo Antonio e Responsórios de São Francisco de Assis, among others.

Born: Brasil, Ouro Preto, MG, c. 1780 Died: Brasil, 1810


    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: Defecit in dolore

    • Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Defecit in dolore
    Language: Latim
    Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: Jaculatórias de Nossa Senhora das Dores - Salve Virgem

    • Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Jaculatórias de Nossa Senhora das Dores
    Language: Latim
    Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: Novena de Nossa Senhora do Carmo

    • Instrumentation: Choir, Oboe, French Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello

    • Year:

    • Code: MSM 05

    Código da obra: MSM 05
    Title: Novena de Nossa Senhora do Carmo
    Sources: Manuscrito pertencente à Orquestra Lira Sanjoanense
    Instrumentation: Choir, Oboe, French Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: O patriarcha pauperum

    • Instrumentation: Tenor, Flute, French Horn, String Quartet

    • Year:

    • Code: MSM 06

    Código da obra: MSM 06
    Title: O patriarcha pauperum
    Language: Latim
    Sources: Manuscrito - coleção particular de Aluízio José Viegas
    Instrumentation: Tenor, Flute, French Horn, String Quartet
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: O Vos Omnes

    • Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: O Vos Omnes
    Language: Latim
    Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: Plorans ploravit

    • Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Plorans ploravit
    Language: Latim
    Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: Salve sancte pater

    • Instrumentation: Choir, Flute, French Horn, String Quartet

    • Year:

    • Code: MSM 07

    Código da obra: MSM 07
    Title: Salve sancte pater
    Language: Latim
    Sources: Manuscrito pertencente à Orquestra Lira Sanjoanense
    Instrumentation: Choir, Flute, French Horn, String Quartet
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Jerônimo de Souza Lobo | 1780-1810

    • Work: Vide domine afflictionem meam

    • Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Vide domine afflictionem meam
    Language: Latim
    Instrumentation: Flute, French Horn, Choir, String Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico

Showing 8 of 8 results.