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Manoel Castello Branco (1867-1926)

Café com farinha - Schottisch


  • Dedication: Às gentis senhoritas Marita, Deidame, Noemia e Milica Ledo
  • Period: Música popular urbana
  • Genre: Popular (Schottisch)
  • Archive: Biblioteca do Museu da Universidade Federal do Pará - Fundo Vicente Salles
  • ISMN: 979-0-802328-63-1
  • Editor: Jonas Monteiro Arraes
  • Score editor: Rodrigo Ramos
  • Reviewer: Victor Vitoriano Dantas
  • Rights: CC BY-SA

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    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: "Sirigaita" - Polca

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: A viúva alegre - Polca

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Amor e polícia - Valsa – Op. 11

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Balão vencedor de Santos Dumont - Valsa

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Café com farinha - Schottisch

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Coronel Brazil - Dobrado

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Deusa do amor - Schottisch

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Dezessete de dezembro - Schottisch

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: El Tokio - Parodia ao El Mikado – Pas de quatre.

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Faceira - Schottisch

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Flores e risos - Schottisch

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Manoel Castello Branco | 1867-1926

    • Work: Gisorica - Polca-maxixe

    • Instrumentation: Piano

    • Year:

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