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Marcos Coelho Neto

Marcos Coelho Neto is, curiously, name of both father and son. The father played horn, clarion and timpani and was a conductor. The son, as well as composer, was conductor, horn player, clarionist, trompeter and bugler. He practiced his musical activities in Vila Rica (nowadays Ouro Preto) in the County House of Representatives, at the Opera House and also in the First Militia Regiment. He has always worked beside his father.

Born: Brasil, Vila Rica, MG, 1763 Died: Brasil, Vila Rica, MG, 1823 VIAF: 76212523


    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Marcos Coelho Neto | 1763-1823

    • Work: Ladainha de Nossa Senhora a quatro

    • Instrumentation: Choir, Oboe, French Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass

    • Year:

    • Code: MSM 03

    Código da obra: MSM 03
    Title: Ladainha de Nossa Senhora a quatro
    Sources: Manuscrito - coleção particular de Aluízio José Viegas
    Instrumentation: Choir, Oboe, French Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Marcos Coelho Neto | 1763-1823

    • Work: Maria mater gratiae

    • Instrumentation: Choir, Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Maria mater gratiae
    Instrumentation: Choir, Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico

    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Marcos Coelho Neto | 1763-1823

    • Work: Responsório fúnebre

    • Instrumentation: Choir, Orchestra

    • Year:

    • Code:

    Title: Responsório fúnebre
    Instrumentation: Choir, Orchestra
    Genres: Clássico (Responsório)

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