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Raimundo Fagner

Singer, songwriter and instrumentalist, Raimundo Fagner Candido Lopes came to prominence in the Brazilian music scene in the 1970s. His breakthrough happened in the Youth Music Festival at the University of Brasilia in 1971, which earned him awards of best songwriter, interpreter and arrangement. Since then, his songs began to be recorded by great names of MPB, including Elis Regina and Simonal. In 1975 he was named Singer of the Year, and his song Mucuripe was recorded by Roberto Carlos. In the 1980s, when already internationally renowned, he produced and wrote the LP Traduzir-se, featuring important artists from Latin America, including Mercedes Sosa. At the time, he was honored with a television miniseries. In addition to the extensive artistic and music production, Fagner has also been dedicated himself to social work and, in 2000, created the Raimundo Fagner Social Foundation, whose work has been awarded by institutions such as the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and UNICEF.

Born: Brasil, Orós, CE, 13/10/1949 VIAF: 54336514


    • COMPOSER (BORN – DIED): Raimundo Fagner | 1949

    • Work: Canteiros

    • Instrumentation:

    • Year: 1972

    Title: Canteiros
    Lyrics: Cecilia Meireles
    Date: 1972
    Genres: Popular (MPB)

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